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FIFA 11+: an effective programme to prevent football injuries in various player groups worldwide—a narrative review
  1. Mario Bizzini,
  2. Jiri Dvorak
  1. FIFA Medical Assessment and Research Centre, and Schulthess Clinic, Zürich, Switzerland
  1. Correspondence to Mario Bizzini, FIFA Medical Assessment and Research Centre, FIFA-Strasse 20, P.O. Box, 8044 Zürich, Switzerland; Mario.Bizzini{at}


In 2009, FIFA promoted and disseminated the FIFA 11+ injury prevention programme worldwide. Developed and studied by the FIFA Medical Assessment and Research Centre (F-MARC), the programme was based on a randomised controlled study and one countrywide campaign in amateur football that significantly reduced injuries and healthcare costs. Since the FIFA 11+ launch, key publications have confirmed the preventive effects of the programme and have evaluated its performance effects in female as well as male amateur football players. Furthermore, implementation strategies of this prevention programme have also been studied. The goal of this narrative review was to summarise the available scientific evidence about the FIFA 11+ programme. While FIFA continues to disseminate and implement FIFA 11+ among its Member Associations, adaptations of the injury prevention programme for children and referees have been developed and are currently being evaluated.

  • Football
  • Injury
  • Prevention
  • Health promotion

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